Long distance relationships are not easy, and that’s known. Many may say long distance relationships don’t last, and while it is the case for many, it doesn’t mean it’s the case for all. I’ve done my fair share of long distance relationships, the last one having finally come to an end just last week. With this said, I have been able to gather a few tips on how to successfully complete a long distance relationship.

It is also important to keep in mind that not every relationship is the same. In all aspects such as distance, duration, etc. Therefore, some of the aspects that I will talk about are easier for some, than others. But do not let difficulty discourage you from reaching something that, believe me, is worth it. Yes, it is a lot of work, and you have to make sure that spark stays between you and your partner, but it can all be done in baby steps.

FaceTime Frequently

Always try and see your partner as much as you can. Talking on the phone is the best way to stay connected. Yes, text messages help as well, but it can be a whole lot more difficult as a lot gets lost in translation. To make calls more personal and meaningful, try to avoid texting all day or keeping each other updated on what you’re doing the whole day. By doing this, you will be left with a lot more to talk about on calls and speak for a lot longer.

Clear Communication

I feel like this is a no brainer, but nonetheless, important. Disagreements are a lot more common when you’re so far apart. And fixing these disagreements is a lot more difficult. That’s why you need to perfect your communication skills. Ask questions, try to understand your partner. Paranoia and worries are a lot more frequent, therefore it’s important to discuss boundaries and ways to make your partner feel more comfortable.

Talk in the Morning and in the Evening

When waking up and when going to sleep are two intimate times. As typically, those are the times you are alone and together. When this is not possible, talking at those times is of great importance. Checking in with your partner at these times of day is created a strong supportive system for one another. A lot can happen in a day, check in. Also, in that way, you can both feel as if you’re involved in each other’s day.

Know When You Will Next See Each Other

Not knowing when the next face-to-face encounter may be just adds extra stress for both of you. This can be more difficult for some couples than for others. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to discuss and figure out when the next time is. Having an exact date will also give each of you something to look forward to. Try to make it once a month, but if not possible, find a time frame that works for both of you.

Do Things Together

Date nights are not only for in-person encounters. Nowadays, use technology to your advantage. Have date nights on FaceTime. Order from the same restaurant and have a dinner date. Or have a glass of wine while watching a movie on TeleParty. Or play an online game together. There are so many options of digital dates you could do. My boyfriend and I started watching a series together on TeleParty, and now we are watching that same series sat next to each other on the couch.

Make Future Plans

Create a list or keep in mind things that you would want to do when you’re finally together again. These can be simple date ideas, but make sure you hold on to them. Reflect about how life will be like when you’re together. And of course discuss personal plans for the future.

These are just a few tips to get through a long distance relationship. There is a lot more where this came from.

Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? Let me know your experiences in the comments, or let me know what else you would add.

See you in the next blog.

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1 Comment

  1. avatar
    Roby says:

    Good thoughts and the technology for sure helps a lot.
    You are very young and your main focus now should be on planning you future…..who loves you will understand it.

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